Monday, July 29, 2013

O the clear moon's speckless, silvery night!

O the clear moon's speckless, silvery night!
When filling thy cup, be sure to fill it quite!
Strive not for frothy fame or bubble wealth:
     A passing dream - 
      A flashing flint - 
       A shadow's flight!

O what is knowledge, fire and superfire?
To innocent and simple joys resign!
When I go home, I'll carry on my back
     A load of clouds - 
      A sweet-toned chin - 
       A pot of wine.

Monday, July 22, 2013

I could I did

I could, I did
I was absorbed
I knew passion.

"The man down the road keeps experimenting ...."

"The man down the road keeps experimenting with new flowers every year, and now has quite an extensive list of things he can't grow."

Friday, July 19, 2013

"If we had never before looked upon the earth ...."

"If we had never before looked upon the earth, but suddenly came upon it man or woman grown, set down in the midst of a summer mead, would it not seem to us a radiant vision?  The hues, the shapes, the song and life of birds, above all the sunlight, the breath of heaven resting on it; the mind would be filled with its glory, unable to grasp it, hardly believing that such things could be mere matter and no more.  Like a dream of some spiritland it would appear, scarce fit to be touched lest it should fall to pieces, too beautiful to be long watched lest it should fade away."
Richard Jefferies

Friday, July 5, 2013