Sunday, November 29, 2015

"When you die ...."

When you die God and the angels will hold you accountable for all the pleasures you were allowed in life that you denied yourself.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"... For those who emphasise ritual ...."

For those who emphasize ritual inspire little trust,
but this is the beginning of disorder.
Diviners make Tao flowery,
and this is the beginning of foolishness.
This is why the superior person deals with the profound
and does not dwell on the superficial
He deals with the solid,
and does not dwell on the flowery.
Therefore he takes that and leaves this.
Lao Tzu

Monday, November 9, 2015

"Keep your heart clear ...."

Keep your heart clear
And transparent,
And you will
Never be bound.
A single disturbed thought
Creates ten thousand distractions.