* Just Another Day *
When I Look Out the Window
Everybody is on to somewhere
And I by the window
Everybody looks busy
And I by the window
I have just read for the last hour
I too have been somewhere
and everywhere.
“In ageing it is even more important to live in splendor, seeking the beauty in mortal life.”
* Just Another Day *
When I Look Out the Window
Everybody is on to somewhere
And I by the window
Everybody looks busy
And I by the window
I have just read for the last hour
I too have been somewhere
and everywhere.
* Just Another Day *
The Sound of Siren
I hate the sound of siren
Someone’s in the ambulance
Someone’s on the brink
But I should not hate
the din
Someone’s still has hope.
* Just Another Day *
The Face is in the Bowl
I dunk my head
into the bowl, almost,
for a full scoop
to emerge
with a toothless smile,
No matter,
Just put the face back.
* Just Another Day *
In the garden
I love to garden
Cosy like a tree stump
It’s the getting up I hate
Heavy like a log
But love it once I’m up
I feel like
A swinging weight.
* Just Another Day *
When I Spill Coffee
When I spill coffee
Crab runs, and
rainforest tree sprawls
on the table cloth
When I drool tea
Little blooms dot
the shirt and pants
Don’t be angry
Don’t be sad
For the laughter drawled.
* Just Another Day *
The Art of Eating
Bring out the best
Put on the colours
Age is not an excuse
to forgo indulgence
Precious bone china plates
and silver forks and spoons.
The Stubborn One
The peanut butter is good
Till one chunk refuses to leave
I release my perfect teeth
Flick off the stubborn one
And I’m back to my perfection.