I took off my shoes
I’ve been wearing shoes
you know, for more than decades
today I want to walk
on the wet grass
and dig into squishy mud.
“In ageing it is even more important to live in splendor, seeking the beauty in mortal life.”
I took off my shoes
I’ve been wearing shoes
you know, for more than decades
today I want to walk
on the wet grass
and dig into squishy mud.
*Life's Still a Basket of Longans*
Loving the Rain
Someone offered an umbrella
But I was feeling young
The rain silvered my greying hair
moistened my dry skin
tasted sweet too on my lips.
*Life's Still a Basket of Longans*
The Long and Short of Ageing
There was a time
when we walked tall
then the creaks came
and the stoop too.
It can’t be
the longer we live
the shorter we get.
I stake my prop
on this and that
I chase
I stretch for
and so the taller I get.
Did They Say
Did they say
You get wiser
as you get older
Did they say
You can fumble
as you get older
Did they say
You eat simply
as you get older
Do I have to take it
the way they say?
I want it my way
I want it as I say
I’ll be wise
in my way.
One at A Time
Yesterday was bad
No one says today will be better
Here, take the good old broom
One sweep, at a time
to the dustpan
to the bin
For today
One pain at a time
One relief at a time.
It’s Gone Now, sort of
The candle that you gave
It’s melted down
But how brightly
how fragrantly
when it burnt
because you gave
it to me.
*Life's Still a Basket of Longans*
Sometimes my heart
is drowned in the rain
is scorched by the sun
is blown to bits by the wind
These are times
I hold my heart in
And I don’t feel too good
I want my heart to race
I want my heart to sing
I need to look for it
to take wings again.
I can still dance
to the mirror
to my humming
I will dance
Awkward it may be
whilst laughters
down me
the floor.
I will dance
till breathlessness
till creaking joints
take me
and, ah!
Second Chances
What finish line?
Don’t mention it
Say, there are
second chances
Not to race to win
But to walk,
stride, or sashay
to my rhythm
my melody.
When there are no more hands
to hold mine
And the journey is still long
I may be alone, perhaps not
I may forget, sometimes
It will not be about hanging on
It will not be about slipping into
It will be ageing consciously.
Path of life runs long
sometimes rough
Walk, sway or swagger
Ageing can walk alone
unafraid, confident
when fears not death
When fancy beckons
Answer it, take it
Sweet butterfly life
Age is bloom
when years age
with grace.
I will learn
Even now, I will learn
as I move on
Day to day
Gratitude and humility
to guide
Too much thinking
Too much care
A living lost
Lone heart
Lone one
Never lone spirit
As far as heart can hold
As far as dream will lead
Let it, freely.
Living the real age
Living the truth
Lies hurt
Truth be told
Truth be bold
Purity of intent
By design I weave
and evolve
in the cycle of life
What’s tear, what’s rust
Gems or dregs
Impressions of age
This is my story
What is yours?
No explanation required.
When the journey is still long
I will seek colours
to live well, to live full.
Will there be hands to hold mine
Will there be hands to break
stumbles and falls
I may forget
I may be alone
Who will hold my hand?
I will remember I can reach out first.