* Tears Allowed *
Not Too Late
When wings of life take off
And words not spoken
can no longer be spoken
And a last breath
taken alone
Perhaps not too late
when no more
need to be said.
“In ageing it is even more important to live in splendor, seeking the beauty in mortal life.”
* Tears Allowed *
Not Too Late
When wings of life take off
And words not spoken
can no longer be spoken
And a last breath
taken alone
Perhaps not too late
when no more
need to be said.
* Tears Allowed *
January 2016
Much suddenly
But when suddenly came
It was goodbye
It was celebration too
Of your elegance
Of your counsel
Of your simple presence
We, left behind,
blessed with
your quiet dignity
till the end.
* Tears Allowed *
March 1993
As dawn hovered
Quietly you left
As you have moved
Quietly in our lives
It was as you have wished it
The song of life
was sung
A celebration
of what was
have not let you go
A something
left behind
still swims in tears.
* Tears Allowed *
Our Raindrop
You hold a drop of rain
in your palm,
You say you will hold it there
forever, for me.
Colours of rain
dance to me
Warmth of promises
cradles my sleep
I cup your palm
Our warmth
hold the drop of pearl
even as the rain is no more.
* Tears Allowed *
It’s Over
I walk the walk
I talk the talk
I follow and I obey
As day into night
And night into day
Yet you do not stay.
I fling the walk
I fling the talk
Now you say you want to stay.
* Tears Allowed *
A Song for Me
Give me a song
A song to keep
Sung high when I’m high
Sung low when I’m low
Give me a song
A song to call my own
when shadows fall
when daylight breaks
A song for every bone in me.
* Tears Allowed *
Echoes in the mind
Echoes in the heart
Echoes through the body
I can’t forget
I can’t shut off echoes
of memories sweet
of memories sharp
Allow me
a tear and a pain
even as I celebrate
echoes of you.
* Tears Allowed *
Saying Goodbye
The earth embraces you
The fallen leaves blanket you
The elements repose
in harmony at last.
Sleep, sleep
Softly sleep
in the light of the day
in the darkness of the night.
The cup will not runneth over
with tears
But with twinkles and laughters
of yesteryears.
* Just Another Day *
What the Mynas Taught Me
The pair squabble
and squawk
And fly away together
Then they are back
Like nothing has happened
And then they’re at it again
And return
Perch side by side
Like nothing has happened
I touch my burning heart
Perhaps his heart is burning too
I go towards him
Like nothing has happened
The day turns
bright and sunny.
* Just Another Day *
Not Out
The rain comes early
And we coop up
in the house
And that’s not a bad thing
And we look out
And we say
Lucky us!
Not caught out in the rain!
But are we?
* Just Another Day *
When you can’t hear so right
Yet you think I talk funny
Have a laugh
Have goosebumps
when I talk into your ears.